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Archive for the ‘Flat Tax’ Category

‘Cost of Government Day’ Marks U.S. Tax Burden

Posted by wdporter on July 12, 2007

‘Cost of Government Day’ Marks U.S. Tax Burden
This article was written by Monisha Bansal, staff writer for CNSNews.com
Conservative taxpayer groups say Wednesday, July 11, marks the day this year when the average American worker will have earned enough to pay for his or her share of government taxes (federal, state and local) plus the cost of regulation.
Since 2001, the date has ranged from July 1 to July 12. It was July 12 last year.
“Right now taxpayers are under attack from Congress,” Grover Norquist, president of Americans for Tax Reform,” said at a Capitol Hill press conference on Tuesday.
“With tax increases on everything from cigarettes to private equity on the table, this year’s ‘Cost of Government Day’ must spur politicians into action to protect taxpayers and the economic growth achieved under President Bush’s tax cuts.”
In his Saturday radio address, President Bush said his tax cuts “left $1.1 trillion in the hands of citizens like you to save, and spend, and invest as you see fit.” Those tax cuts will expire in the year 2010 unless the Democrat-controlled Congress extends them, but a number of Democrats oppose the idea of giving “tax cuts to the wealthy.”
“American taxpayers already work well over half of the year to pay for the cost of government,” Norquist said. “The tax and spending spree must end.” …

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Giuliani Jeered for Opposing Flat Tax

Posted by wdporter on July 9, 2007

Giuliani Jeered for Opposing Flat Tax
JACKSONVILLE, Fla. (AP) – Republican presidential candidate Rudy Giuliani ran into a buzz saw of opposition Saturday when he explained his opposition to a flat federal income tax.
Giuliani addressed a group of about 500 people in a standing-room only crowd at a town hall meeting at the University of North Florida, answering questions for about 30 minutes on a variety of topics from Iraq and Iran to Social Security and his plan for tax cuts.
Several dozen people jeered when Giuliani, in response to a question, said he would not be in favor of a flat tax.
“I have to study it some more,” the former New York City mayor said. “I don’t think a flat tax is realistic change for America. Our economy is dependent upon the way our tax system operates.”
(AP) Republican presidential hopeful Rudy Giuliani signs an autograph for some young supporters as his…Full ImageGiuliani emphasized he supported a simplified tax system and cuts in federal taxes, including elimination of the so-called death tax, but his response to the flat tax question brought some cat calls and jeers. “I have a real question whether it would be the right transition for our economy,” he said.
“I am disappointed in him,” said Ken Mertz of Fernandia Beach. “But he did say he would look into it.”
At a news conference after his speech, Giuliani said that taxes would go down under his presidency, saying his philosophy was different from the Democrats. “They want to see them go up,” he said.
Two lesser-known rivals for the Republican presidential nomination – Kansas Sen. Sam Brownback and Tommy Thompson, a former Wisconsin governor and U.S. secretary of Health and Human Services – have voiced support for a flat tax. Businessman Steve Forbes, who unsuccessfully sought the Republican presidential nomination twice, based his campaign on a flat tax. Forbes has endorsed Giuliani.
In response to another question, Giuliani warned against pulling out of Iraq, saying it would create a country run by terrorists. And he said Iran should be kept from getting nuclear weapons.
“No way, no how should Iran be a nuclear power,” he said.

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