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First Grade Teacher Charged With Being Drunk At School With Two Extra Beers in Purse

Posted by wdporter on October 5, 2007

Indiana Teacher Charged With Being Drunk At School
First Grade Teacher Had 2 Beers In Purse At Time Of Arrest
(CBS) VALPARAISO, Ind. A Valparaiso elementary school teacher was arrested Thursday morning with a blood alcohol limit twice the legal limit and two cans of beer inside her purse, according to the Valparaiso Police Department’s Web site.First grade teacher Sharon Duerring, 49, reportedly showed signs of intoxication and authorities in the school called police. Police escorted Duerring from Cooks Corner Elementary School, 358 Bullseye Lake Rd., and charged her with public intoxication. Duerring’s blood alcohol level registered at .20 percent, and further investigation revealed the beer inside her purse.She was given a trespass warning not to return to the school and her school keys were confiscated, according to police.

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