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Clinton, Obama Address La Raza Conference

Posted by wdporter on July 23, 2007

Clinton, Obama Address La Raza Conference
Rachael AramReporting
(CBS4) MIAMI BEACH As they competed Sunday to woo Hispanic voters, Hillary Clinton touted her personal connection to the community, while Barack Obama emphasized the intertwined struggles of black and Hispanic AmericansBecause their platforms are so similar — both support a path to legalization for illegal immigrants, improved border security and universal health care and preschool — the way Clinton and Obama approach Hispanic voters will likely be key in the primary season.The candidates spoke before roughly 2,000 Hispanic educators, activists and community and business leaders at the annual conference of the nation’s largest Hispanic civil rights organization, the National Council of La Raza, in Miami Beach.Both received strong ovations but were presented in very different settings.A relaxed Clinton sat in a turquoise silk jacket for an informal interview with Monica Lozano, publisher of the nation’s largest Spanish-language newspaper, during the event’s signature Latinas Brunch.”I told Monica we should talk like we’re two girlfriends, and you just can eavesdrop,” Clinton joked to the audience.Asked how her views of Hispanics have been shaped, the New York senator and former first lady recalled registering Hispanic voters in south Texas in 1972.And she highlighted her close relationships with prominent Hispanics, including Sen. Bob Mendendez, D-N.J.; her campaign manager, Patricia Solis Doyle; and Dolores Huerta, a longtime activist who helped found the United Farm Workers Union along with Cesar Chavez.”It’s not so much reading a briefing book or being handed a policy paper that says this is what you should say when you’re in front of an audience of Latinos,” Clinton said. “It’s who you are and what you believe in.”Clinton ended by bringing out a mariachi band and a cake to celebrate the birthday of one of her campaign chairs, former La Raza president Raul Yzaguirre.Obama cut a more formal presence, standing behind a podium in a dark suit and speaking directly to the crowd before taking questions.He linked the civil rights struggles of blacks and Hispanics by quoting a 1968 telegram the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. sent Cesar Chavez during Chavez’s 25-day fast on behalf of farmworkers.”As brothers in the fight for equality,” Obama quoted, “our separate struggles are really one for freedom, dignity and humanity.”That sentiment remains true today, Obama said.”If there’s a child stuck in a crumbling school who graduates without ever learning to read, it doesn’t matter if that child is a Latino from Miami or an African-American from Chicago or a white girl from rural Kentucky, she’s still our child, and the struggle is our struggle,” he told the audience.The Illinois senator mentioned his work to improve public housing for low-income families in Chicago and his decision to march last year with Hispanic protesters against a stringent immigration bill.Even Obama’s Reggaeton introduction music seemed a subtle reference to the connection between black and Hispanic cultures, with its mix of Latin and hip hop beats.Both candidates promised to push for comprehensive immigration reform during their first year in office. Both stressed their support for legislation to help qualified high school graduates here illegally to attend college and eventually earn U.S. residency.Clinton said she believed both that bill and one to create a path to citizenship for farmworkers still had a chance to pass the current Congress.While Democrats are expected to receive the majority of the Hispanic vote, Republicans are not ready to cede the field. On Sunday, Republican hopeful Mitt Romney, who has taken a hard line on immigration, told a crowd of Republican Hispanics that they are “quintessentially American.”Romney, fellow Republican candidates Rudy Giuliani and John McCain, and Democratic candidates John Edwards and Bill Richardson were also invited to the four-day La Raza conference but did not attend.

One Response to “Clinton, Obama Address La Raza Conference”

  1. JohnnyB said

    When the Dems had their “debate for African Americans” not a single question about illegal immigration, which takes jobs away from blacks, was asked. One of the chief media cheerleaders for the failed immigration bill, Ruben Navarette, was on the panel. I guess these guys feel they can pander to individual groups without running the risk of stepping on the toes of other victim groups they can pander to.

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